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Syncing Products to Download Information

Syncing happens automatically. You do not need to follow any manual processes.

After product are imported via the ADT PinnacleApp will check our product catalogue based upon GTIN or MPN. If a match is found the information will be added to the product, at a minimum this will include an image.

Automatic Grouping

Products in our product catalogue are grouped together according to a model code we receive from suppliers.

Managing Synchronisation

The synced information remains cached in PinnacleApp for 2 weeks, after which point PinnacleApp will check the catalogue again for any changes to the product data and update if necessary. You can edit the way Single Products sync by navigating to:

Shop -> Ascend Products -> Edit -> Show Advanced Settings -> Glooware Catalogue Synchronisation

There are 3 options:
  • Do not automatically synchronise with Glooware's Catalogue
  • Force an update of this product at the next synchronisation
  • Synchronise once the cache has expired (DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS) - This option is set by default.
These options allow you to turn off the synchronisation, force a sync at the next available opportunity or sync once the cache has expired (the default value).

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